Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Due to the agreement by most classmates, a class funding will be created after chinese new year. Each person can give at least a dollar to 3 dollars. There will be no submission date and there will be no limit to the amount of times you can give the class funds. I will be putting a box near the homework boxes for money collection. I will make sure the money in the box is collected during the break or the end of school. The class funds will also be kept in my locker.


  1. Good idea.But as you know, the door can be unlocked and a stranger can take the class funds.I propose a tax funding.Every month by the first week, we pay a dollar to Joshua.He will pass it to Mr Desmond to keep.Thus no one can steal the money and we have a good backup of cash in case anything happens and we can also use the money to get stuff for the class.

  2. Good idea Gavriel.
    Joshua that is not a bad solution as i agree with gavriel

  3. I agree too

  4. But as said i will keep it in locker during break and after school time.

  5. Joshua, I propose that you collect a fixed amount each month. This will enable you to track everyone properly and you can ensure fairness in this.
