Monday, 6 January 2014

Reflections 2


Post your reflection for Day 2 (3 January) in comments under this post.

Due date: 6 January, 2359 h


  1. Hi Mr. Desmond. I have already done the reflections for day 1 and day 2.where do i do my reflections for day 3

  2. The activities were extremely fun. It was fun when egg did the egg drop.During the afternoon, we went for the most scaring HIGH ELEMENTS.At first when I saw the challenge I was like its nothing, its so easy.But the moment I got up there,everything changed.I was shivering like crazy until I could even move my leg.I was standing up there in a dilemma: If I should give up now or continue.Suddenly, my friends and PSLs started cheering me up! :) I felt better and started dragging my feet, soon by there help I managed to complete the challenge! I learnt that not only teamwork is important, but also helping each other out.Without the help of my PSLs and friends, I would have been still up there now. I got to know my friends and PSLs better, it was a shocking experience doing the high elements but its worth it, I learn a lot from it!

  3. Day 2 Orientation:

    The second day of orientation was even better than the first day. That day, I learnt that thinking out of the box was important when we were trying to make a contraption so that the egg would fall from he fourth storey to the first without even cracking it. I was delighted to see that the egg was unscathed when it dropped to the ground in our parachute. Then there was the high element activity. Although I did not have the courage to go up, I helped by belaying throughout the activity. I felt worried when one off my friends fell but we managed to lower him down safely. I had fun during the day.

    Meng Tao

  4. Day 2 Orientation:

    On the second day of orientation, we played games that involved the entire class to work together. One of them includes the game/activity that required us to drop an egg from the school's fourth story. Even though we had a slow start, we slowly got the right idea of encasing the egg in many layers of newspaper and plastic cups. Eventually, when we threw the egg down I had a feeling that it would break, however our contraption protected the egg from any damage. In the afternoon, we had our high elements activity that had difficult challenges. One of them wanted us to hang onto ropes that were quite far apart from each other while we balance on a tight rope. At the start I had difficulty crossing the tight rope, but with patience and motivation from the PSLs and classmates, I managed to cross it with out falling. I learnt alot of important values throughout the activity.

  5. Day 2 has been fun and rewarding
    As mentioned I made many new friends today
    The highlight of the day was the egg drop
    In which the class had to brainstorm to create a device which could protect an egg from breaking
    I find this activity fun and meaningful as I can help generate new ideas .Through this process I have also made new friends
    The second highlight of Day 2 has to be the high elements event
    I helped belay my friends while they did the high elements course
    From this activity , I learnt to communicate and work with my friends
    I learnt more about my peers,PSL and of course SST
    I look forward to work with my classmate on other projects


  6. The second day of orientation , it was really fun ! 2 activities i remember vividly : Egg drop and of course the HIGH ELEMENTS ! The egg drop required us to think quick and do it quick.At start we did not get a good start to the activity therefore things got a little complicated for us. we finally came to a conclusion of a design but we had to do it quick. I never thought an egg would not crack after being dropped from 4th floor . After 4 floor dropped , a PSL at the station opened the layers of newspaper we wrapped around the egg. Our egg was safe and sound from the drop .
    Then there was the high elements which i did quite a lot of belaying for my friends and cheered them on . It was my turn to go up and my partner and i were scared but completed the course .
    It was another great day to know my friends and everyone !

  7. The second day of orientation was definitely more exciting and fun than the first. At the start we were given an activity to make a object that was to protect the egg from cracking from a fall off the 4th level. We split ourselves into 4 groups to discuss on how to make the model. We combined our ideas together and in the end, we taped the cups which contained the egg with about 10 layers of newspaper.Then we added a parachute to make sure the egg did not hit the ground with a lot of force. In the end we succeeded and we were elated. After lunch we took a bus down to geylang bahru for the high elements. At first i was quite scared going up,but after a few steps on the rope, I started to feel relieved and indeed the experience was great and the whole course was fun!

  8. It was the second day of the orientation camp and I had already made some new friends. I was looking forward to Day 2 of my orientation camp. We did a class activity which is we were supposed to drop an egg from the fourth floor to the first and not cracking the egg. We were give garbage bags , newspapers , 2 cup and tape. Our class managed to drop the egg from thew fourth to the first without cracking the egg. After lunch , we then move on to the high elements . It was drizzling when we reach but we still continue to play it . When it is my turn, I was a bit nervous and excited . When I was up there completing the elements , my leg was literally shaking the whole bridge. When I accomplished the course , I had a sense of achievement. I also did belaying for my friends who were up there completing the course. I wish that I could have orientation camp again next year.

  9. The second day was when we did the egg drop experiment and the high elements.All the teamwork and time we had spent in building it had paid off as the egg did not break .All our hard work had paid off as we achieved success.Next was the high elements which I was looking forward to. As I began to take a few steps on the two beams, the started to shake vigorously but I did not give up and finished the obstacle in the end with support given by the PSLs.I really appreciate their support.I look forward to doing more projects with my classmates.It was a very thrilling and adventurous day.

  10. I was really looking forward to orientation day 2 due to one reason- High Elements. All the other activities were just as exiting.For example the egg drop experiment was really exciting.At first two other boys claimed leadership and immediately wanted us to work on their ideas. I had a few ideas as well but they were not willing to listen.Luckily they only came up with the basic concepts and I was allowed to implement my ideas on how to make them and how they would work. When it was time for high elements, I was really confident at first but as soon as I climbed up for the first time on the second element I started to get a little nervous.I didn't do as well as I hoped but I was able to do much better on the next element.I was really tensed when my friend fell off and his chest hit the side. Overall I think day two was much better than day one.

  11. Day 2 Orientation:

    Day was definitely better than day 1 cause i know the class better and even made friends with the PSLs, The climax of the day was the egg dropping and the high elements. Egg dropping, this activity i learned that one should not always listen to oneself but to share their ideas and make sure everyone agrees, therefore we come out with a parachute thing holding the egg. We throw the egg down from level 4 to level 1 and guess what, the egg survive :p. Next was the high elements, when i saw the two-metre high structure, i was like " i couldn't do it, i don't dare". Thus i started by belaying twice, then i saw my friend who told me that he didn't dare to do during the briefing was actually queueing up for the high elements. so i plucked up my courage and went to queue. When i was doing the high elements i saw all my friend cheering for me, i felt grateful to them. From this activity i learn that we should cheer for our friend for courage and be grateful to people. It was a fun-filled day!

  12. on the second day of orientation we did the egg drop which was interesting as our egg manage to survive even after being drop from forth floor and many of us enjoyed the moments in the afternoon we went for high elements throughout that we learnt that trust between the classmates is important as we will have to finish the course example if we are scared and think what if our classmates did not pull the rope hard enough we will fall.

  13. Day 2 Orientation:

    We did the egg drop and high elements. When we were doing the egg drop, we were brainstorming for too long, thus when we finally agreed on an idea, we had to do it quickly and it was quite rushed. After it dropped and the PSL unwrapped the layers of news paper, I didn't expect the egg to survive but it did! During high elements it was scary so I didn't do it. I did help with the belaying though. I think in all, the day was actually quite fun.

  14. Day2:We did the egg drop in which we must work together as a class to build a capsule to land an egg safely down four stories.We decided on giving the egg as much protection as we could and building a parachute for the capsule.It was quite fun building the capsule.After lunch, we did the high elements.As i saw many of my classmates successfully clear the obstacles, i felt that doing it would be very easy.However as soon as i climbed up and looked down at Joshua i discovered my fear of heights.I immediately felt weird and wanted to come down.I waited for Joshua to finish before coming down.I decided to try again on a 'simpler' obstacle.Most of my friends assured me that it would be easy and i just had to walk across it.I saw that they were right and climbed up the obstacle.I was a little scared of falling but i remembered that all i had to do was walk. I quickly 'walked' and nearly made it to the end before i slipped and fell down.I wanted to try again, but realised that we had to go back.I was a bit sad and learned that fears can be conquered.

  15. The second day of orientation was quite fun especially the part where we do the egg drop thing some of us decided that we shall split into groups then discuss abt our opinions of what we should do,what is really effective to prevent the egg from cracking when we drop it from the 4th story as it would be too overwhelming for us all to discuss as a class as there may be a big argument .Now to the next segment.................The High Elements......It was actually quite fun it brings back to me the memories of Hougang Primary School .We basically did the same high elements but with more obstacles and it really feels good to feel the desire of overcoming something that is preventing you to get exposed to heights and overcome it.
    After the high elements we went back and got a scolding from the PSL's I'd rather not call it a scolding I'd rather call it reflecting on what we ,students have done and WHAT we should have did that was RIGHT.Some of us forgot the word 'respect' and we did not even bother to cheer our friends on when they themselves were trying very hard to overcome ther fear/high elements obstacles.So to make a long story short I've learnt that trusting and working closely with your peers is very important

  16. On the second day,the activities were Extremely fun and everyone enjoyed it especially the high elements. I learnt how to use my Hands, Heads And hearts to save our friends life. I got to know the whole class much better.

  17. Day 2:
    Day 2 was more fun and scarier than Day 1. Firstly, we had the 'egg drop'. The whole class had to 'build' a parachute for the egg and we had to throw it down from the 4th level and prevent the egg from cracking. We literally wrapped the eggs with 10 layers of newspapers. We were nervous yet excited. Luckily, we succeeded and all of us were obviously elated. The whole class was cheering and screaming whilst walking up the stairs. Secondly, we went for the High Elements. I was afraid of heights but i managed to conquer my fear(not really) as I only climbed up and climbed down again without walking across the rope because first, I was afraid of heights and I felt like falling down and secondly, I saw a few people just slip and I was scared that would happen to me and thirdly, it was really windy when I went up and I was shaking. Although, my friends and the PSLs cheered for me, I still didn't accomplish it but I did help with the belaying though and I learnt that trust is very important.

  18. On the second day,the activities were obviously more fun than day one's. In my opinion, the High Elements were the most fun and tiring as we needed to take turn to hold on to the rope. I learnt that balancing work and play is very important and so is teamwork. The egg drop was fun and memorable probably because everyone was so nervous of the outcome.I believe that all of us got to know each other better.

  19. One of the noteable activities on the second day of orentation was the egg drop, an activity I did once during a CCA camp in my primary school, in which participants are given limited materials to prevent an egg from cracking when dropped for a set height. In that case, the height was the fourth floor. The class decided to engulf the egg in layers of newspaper and attach a parachute to it(resulting in a hilarious reaction from the PSLs when checking the egg) and this method worked as our egg survived. After a break, we set off for the high elements. We learnt how to hold the ropes to ensure the climbers' safety. When it was my turn, I panicked and refused to climb any higher after climbing up a short distance, despite the fact some students said it was "not to high up". I feel a bit sad that I still did not conquer my fear of heights but satisfied that I learnt about belaying.

  20. It was the second day of the three day orientation. We had much more fun and engaging activities today then compared to day one. The main activity of day two was the high elements. At the high elements, we had to climb and balance on ropes in pairs. This activity helped us learn about teamwork, balancing work and play and learning how to overcome our fears by taking big steps. We helped our partner as we crossed the high elements. It was high but i managed to overcome my fear of heights. Earlier that day, we also played other games such as egg drop, other ice breakers and station games. Overall, I had a lot of fun on the second day and was looking forward to the last day as it was just getting better and better. It was an awesome second day of orientation.

  21. The second day was even better. In the morning, we played a lot of teamwork games and the most memorable one was the egg drop. With the help of everyone, a 'capsule' and a 'parachute' was created for the egg before it was dropped 4 stories down. It survived the fall! In the afternoon, we set off to go for the high elements. At first I was scared of it. But after endless persuading by the PSL, I decided to try it and it turned out to be fun.

  22. The second day since I know the PSLs and friends are friendly, I did not feel so scared anymore. I had mainly because of the high element. I was one of the first to start climbing it. Although it took so long for waiting and had to change, I like that way the next one is lower. I was very scared but eventually faced my fear. I learnt that the high element is like life. If I gave up up there, I will never succeed and fail but I continued to move on and eventually succeed without giving up. The ropes are like obstacles in life.
